Published inGeek CultureMy technical training in Data ScienceIn my first job at a startup named Bright Photomedicine, I was granted a FAPESP scholarship, along with job benefits, in order to work as a…Dec 31, 20221Dec 31, 20221
Published inGeek CultureThe best MOOCs and Books for Data ScientistsIn this story, I want to share with you the best courses I’ve taken and the best books I’ve read so far in Data Science. I would like that…Dec 28, 20221Dec 28, 20221
Published inGeek CultureLessons learned from my first Data Science JobI have got my first data science job in June 2021, after spending about two years and a half preparing myself for data science interviews…Oct 31, 20221Oct 31, 20221
Published inBecoming Human: Artificial Intelligence MagazineSoft Skills for Data ScientistsData Science is most taught through programming nowadays, however, in real practice, just good coding skills are not enough to convince…Oct 30, 2022Oct 30, 2022
LGPD: Conceitos Básicos & Segurança de DadosNesse story apresento algumas informações interessantes sobre a Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados, e também sobre conceitos de Segurança de…Jan 23, 2022Jan 23, 2022
FROM ACADEMIA TO INDUSTRY: HOW A PHYSICIST TURNED INTO A DATA SCIENTISTIn this story, I will tell you my transition from academia to industry.Jun 6, 2021Jun 6, 2021
Published inGeek CultureSparkify: Using PySpark to Predict Customer ChurnIntroductionMay 2, 2021May 2, 2021
Published inBecoming Human: Artificial Intelligence MagazineANALYSIS OF AIRBNB DATA: THE INFLUENCE OF TIME, DAY OF WEEK, AND CLIENT DISTRIBUTIONIn this story, we will investigate a dataset from Airbnb, which can be found in this link.Mar 10, 2021Mar 10, 2021